Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Excerpt from the Inner Enterprise by Guǎn​zǐ (管子內業)


"The pivot of Heaven is uprightness. The pivot of Earth is flatness. The pivot of Man is quiescence. Spring, Autumn, Winter and Summer are the season times of Heaven. Mountain ridges and river valleys are the limbs of Earth. Showing pleasure or anger, taking or giving, there are the schèmes of man. The sage adapts with times but is not transformed, follows along with things but is not moved by them. He is able to be balanced and tranquil and so he is settled. With a settled heart within, the eyes and ears are keen and clear, the four limbs are strong and firm, he is fit to be the dwelling of the essence."

Translation proposed by The University of Indiana

Traduzido a partir de Chinese Text Project

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