Friday, September 26, 2014

Twenty Eight Secret Song (歌訣二十八) from the The Thirty-Six Songs of Baguazhang (八卦掌三十六歌) Vigésima Oitava Canção Secreta (歌訣二十八) das Trinta e Seis Canções do Bāguàzhăng (八卦掌三十六歌)



"When the opponent is hard and I am soft, this is the right way.
If I am hard and the opponent is soft, the method is also good.
When the hard and soft meet, one looks for victory through the waist.
The solution of the conflict is decided on whose footwork is best."

Based on the translations by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) and Liang Shou You (梁守渝) in "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) and by Frank Allen and Tina Chunna Zhang in "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang"
"Quando o oponente é duro e eu suave, esta é a maneira certa.
Seu eu sou duro e o oponente suave, o método também é bom.
Quando o duro e o suave se encontram, é através da cintura que se deve buscar a vitória.
A solução do conflito é encontrada por aquele que trabalha melhor os passos."

Baseado na tradução de Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) e Liang Shou You (梁守渝) apresentada em "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) e na tradução de Frank Allen e Tina Chunna Zhang em "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang".

Friday, September 12, 2014

Excerpt from Report of Guō Yúnshēn Sayings (述郭雲深先生言) in Boxing Concepts Explained Authentically (拳意述真)



"When practicing boxing arts, you must not have so much determination that it obstructs you. If you are obsessed with seeking to have strength, you will get jammed up by it. If you are obsessed with seeking to have energy, you will get clogged up by it. If you are obsessed with seeking to be heavy, it will weigh you down. If you are obsessed with seeking to be light, your spirit and energy will wander off.
Therefore the way to go about these things is to practice the postures smoothly, and then naturally there will be strength. When there is neutrality within, it will naturally produce energy. When your spirit and intention return to your elixir field, your body will naturally be as heavy as Mt. Tai. When your spirit and energy merge into one and transform into emptiness, your body will naturally be light as a feather.
Thus you must not obsessively seek, even though there may be something to be gained through the seeking. Look upon that something as if it is nothing, treating its substantiality as insubstantial. Neither forget about it nor assist it. Do not strive for it and you will hit the target. Do not fixate on it and you will obtain it. Being patient and balanced is all you need."

Excerpt from the translation by Paul Brennan, to be found in the Brennan Translation blog.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Create Something from Nothing (無中生有) from the Thirty-Six Stratagems (三十六計)Criar Algo do Nada (無中生有) dos Trinta e Seis Estratagemas (三十六計)


"You use the same feint twice. Having reacted to the first and often the second feint as well, the enemy will be hesitant to react to a third feint. Therefore the third feint is the actual attack catching your enemy with his guard down. "

Quoted from Chinese Classics and Translations
"Usar a mesma finta duas vezes. Tendo já reagido à primeira e à segunda, o inimigo hesitará em respoder à terceira. Em realidade a terceira finta é o real ataque que tomará o inimigo com as guardas baixas."

Traduzido à partir de Chinese Classics and Translations

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hand Positions in the Yinyang Circle (武當劍手法陰陽圈) from The Major Methods of Wudang Sword (武當劍法大要) As Posições da Mão no Círculo Yinyang (武當劍手法陰陽圈) de Os Principais Métodos da Espada Wudang (武當劍法大要)

Wudang Sword Hand Methods in The Yinyang Circle
中陰Middle Yin
少陰Young Yin
太陰Greatest Yin
老陰Old Yin
中陽Middle Yang
老陽Old Yang
太陽Greatest Yang
少陽Young Yang

Based on the translations by Chang Wu Na (張悟納) and Dr. Lu Mei-hui (呂美惠) in "The Major Methods of Wudang Sword " (武當劍法大要)
and by Paul Brennan in his site "Brennan Translation".
Disclaimer: I don't practice Wudang Sword myself. However the school's texts and insights are of interest for any internal martial arts practitioner.
中陰Meio Yin
少陰Jovem Yin
太陰Máximo Yin
老陰Yin Velho
中陽Meio Yang
老陽Yang Velho
太陽Máximo yang
少陽Jovem Yang

Baseado na tradução de Chang Wu Na (張悟納) e Dr. Lu Mei-hui (呂美惠) em "Os Métodos Principais da Espada Wudang" (武當劍法大要) e na de Paul Brennan no site "Brennan Translation".
Aviso: Eu não pratico a espada de Wudang. Entretanto, os textos e instruções da escola são interessantes para todos os praticantes de artes marciais internas.