Friday, December 30, 2016

The Essentials of the Sword Art (劍法述要) from The Major Methods of Wudang Sword (武當劍法大要)


劍術之道。全憑乎神。神足而道成。練精化氣。練氣化神練神成道。劍神合一。是近道矣。 武當劍法。外兼各家拳術之長。內練陰陽中和之氣。習此道者當以無漏為先。保精養氣。寧神抱一。同時學習內家拳為之基礎。基礎既立。然後練習劍法。方得事半功倍。蓋使劍亦如使拳。不外意氣為君。而眼法手法步法身法腰法為臣。是故令其閃展騰拿之輕靈便捷。則有如八卦拳其虛領頂勁。含胸拔背。鬆腰活腕。氣沉丹田。力由脊發則有如太極拳。而其出劍之精神。勇往直前。如矢赴的。敵劍未動,我劍已到。則又如形意拳也。
"The way of the sword art is entirely a matter of spirit. When your spirit is abundant, the way has been achieved. Train your essence and transform it into energy. Train your energy and transform it into spirit. Train your spirit and achieve the Way. With sword and spirit merged as one, you will approach the Way.
The Wudang sword art externally draws from the best aspects of various boxing arts and internally trains the balancing of the passive and active aspects to bring about an energy of neutrality. The prerequisite to training in this art is to not give in to the passions. Instead protect your essence, nourish your energy, calm your spirit, and embrace oneness. Also, get a good grounding for it by learning internal boxing arts. Having prepared yourself thus, you may then practice the sword art. This way you will gain twice the result for half the effort, for you will use the sword in the same way as you would apply the boxing, which amounts to nothing more than putting intention and energy in the position of ruler, and the eye movements, hand techniques, footwork, body standards, and waist actions in the position of subject [i.e. mind in charge of body].
As you dodge and extend, surprise and capture, perform these things with great nimbleness and dexterity. In this way, it is like Bagua Boxing.
Forcelessly press up your headtop, contain your chest and pluck up your back, loosen your waist and liven your wrist, sink energy to your elixir field, and issue power from your spine. In this way, it is like Taiji Boxing.
The spirit of thrusting out the sword is courageous and direct, like an arrow loosed toward a target. Before the opponent’s sword has moved, mine has already arrived. In this way, it is like Xingyi Boxing."

Translation by Paul Brennan in his site "Brennan Translation".
Disclaimer: I don't practice Wudang Sword myself. However the school's texts and insights are of interest for any internal martial arts practitioner.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Excerpt from Important Explanations for the Accomplishment of the Thirteen Postures (十三勢行功要解) by Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄)


"The opponent does not move, one does not move; the opponent movels slightly, one moves first. One appears loose, without being loose; one shall extend and is not yet extended. The Jin snaps, the intention is continuous."

By Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄), based on the translation by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles (太極拳武李氏先哲秘要) and various translations on the internet.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Expand, Release, Collect, Tighten; Movement and Stillness Support Other (展放收緊,動靜圓撐) from The Real Theory of Baguazhang (八卦掌真理篇) by Jiāng Róngqiáo (薑容樵)



"'Expand, release, collect, tighten' refers to the movements of opening and closing the posture. In opening a posture one must unfold and release far, in closing a posture one’s interior must tightly restrain the exterior. 'Movement and stillness support each other' indicates that within movement there must be stillness and that within stillness there must be movement; the extremity of movement originates stillness, in the same way the extreme stillness is the origin of movement; both the mutual support of movement and stillness are necessary to a smooth performance, the mutual aspect is implicit."

From the book Bāguàzhăng Practice Method (八卦掌練習法), by Jiāng Róngqiáo (薑容樵), based on the translation by Joseph Crandall

Friday, December 2, 2016

Excerpt from Important Explanations for the Accomplishment of the Thirteen Postures (十三勢行功要解) by Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄)


"First seek to expand, then seek to compact, this way one may approach subtlety."

By Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄), based on the translation by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles (太極拳武李氏先哲秘要) and various translations on the internet.