截:截者,裁也,以裁退敵手也,此 節最見身法。
裹:裹者,圍裹也,裹 敵手使其失其效用也,身旋而力柔,有以柔克剛之妙。
截:截者,裁也,以裁退敵手也,此 節最見身法。
裹:裹者,圍裹也,裹 敵手使其失其效用也,身旋而力柔,有以柔克剛之妙。
"Spread-out : To spread-out means a broad intention, to expand and open up hands and feet.
Intercept : To intercept also means to cut back. Use cut back to withdraw from the opponent, this saves most of what is visible in the posture.
Bind : To bind means to wrap all around the opponent so he loses his effectiveness. The body whirls in a circle and the power is soft. To use softness to conquer strength is clever.
Step across : Step across like one has the posture of straddling a horse, this is the shape meant by this words. In fact, to be supported with posture of the straddle.
Poke : The power of poking resides on the shoulder and the leg, together they are as if they were coiled and the hand is somewhat high.
Push Up : The power of pushing up resides at the head. Therefore an erect head and the hanging shoulders is the proper posture.
Cloud: the classics say, “when raining, the clouds appear to have a rotating shape”, today we employ this idea of rotation to mean both palms of the hand move swiftly like a cloud.
Receive: To receive means to bear, to seize an opportunity and obtain it.
Intercept : To intercept also means to cut back. Use cut back to withdraw from the opponent, this saves most of what is visible in the posture.
Bind : To bind means to wrap all around the opponent so he loses his effectiveness. The body whirls in a circle and the power is soft. To use softness to conquer strength is clever.
Step across : Step across like one has the posture of straddling a horse, this is the shape meant by this words. In fact, to be supported with posture of the straddle.
Poke : The power of poking resides on the shoulder and the leg, together they are as if they were coiled and the hand is somewhat high.
Push Up : The power of pushing up resides at the head. Therefore an erect head and the hanging shoulders is the proper posture.
Cloud: the classics say, “when raining, the clouds appear to have a rotating shape”, today we employ this idea of rotation to mean both palms of the hand move swiftly like a cloud.
Receive: To receive means to bear, to seize an opportunity and obtain it.
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