Friday, July 11, 2014

Twenty Sixth Secret Song (歌訣二十六) from the The Thirty-Six Songs of Baguazhang (八卦掌三十六歌) Vigésima Sexta Canção Secreta (歌訣二十六) das Trinta e Seis Canções do Bāguàzhăng (八卦掌三十六歌)


"Power requires hardness, change requires softness,
If hardness or softness is unduly emphasized, it will be difficult to achieve results.
If there is too much strength in the movement, nature says it will be certainly broken,
If it contains too much softness, it is the same thing as ceasing the movement."

Based on the translations by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) and Liang Shou You (梁守渝) in "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) and by Frank Allen and Tina Chunna Zhang in "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang"
"Power requires hardness, change requires softness,
If hardness or softness is unduly emphasized, it will be difficult to achieve results.
If there is too much strength in the movement, nature says it will be certainly broken,
If it contains too much softness, it is the same thing as ceasing the movement."

Baseado na tradução de Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) e Liang Shou You (梁守渝) apresentada em "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) e na tradução de Frank Allen e Tina Chunna Zhang em "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang".

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