"Step forward coordinated with tights and backward with control.
When changing palms and changing steps, one should lower the body structure.
Forward and retreat, retreat and forward according to the opportunity.
As long as waist and legs are coordinated this can be arranged."
Based on the translations by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) and Liang Shou You (梁守渝) in "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) and by Frank Allen and Tina Chunna Zhang in "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang"
When changing palms and changing steps, one should lower the body structure.
Forward and retreat, retreat and forward according to the opportunity.
As long as waist and legs are coordinated this can be arranged."
Based on the translations by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) and Liang Shou You (梁守渝) in "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) and by Frank Allen and Tina Chunna Zhang in "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang"
"Dar um passo à frente coordenado com a bacia, um passo para trás com controle.
Quando transformando as palmas e passos, é necessário abaixar a estrutura do corpo.
Avançar e recuar, recuar e avançar, de acordo com a oportunidade.
Enquanto cintura e pernas estiverem coordenadas, isso pode ser organizado."
Baseado na tradução de Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) e Liang Shou You (梁守渝) apresentada em "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) e na tradução de Frank Allen e Tina Chunna Zhang em "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang"
Quando transformando as palmas e passos, é necessário abaixar a estrutura do corpo.
Avançar e recuar, recuar e avançar, de acordo com a oportunidade.
Enquanto cintura e pernas estiverem coordenadas, isso pode ser organizado."
Baseado na tradução de Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) e Liang Shou You (梁守渝) apresentada em "Baguazhang - Theory and Applications" (峨嵋八卦掌) e na tradução de Frank Allen e Tina Chunna Zhang em "The Whirling Circles of Ba Gua Zhang"
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