Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Study of Taiji in the Sword (太極劍學) from the Study of Bagua Sword (八卦劍學)


太極者劍之形式也無極而生乾坤之母左轉之而為乾像右旋之而為坤形劍之旋轉是內中一氣之 流行也此理是一字而生這○自這○而又生Ф也這Ф當中之一竪是由靜極而生動在人謂之眞意在丹道謂之先天眞陽一氣為慧劍在形意拳中謂之先天無形之橫拳在八卦劍 中謂之太極此式初動內雖有乾坤之理外未具乾坤之象所以謂之太極劍也譬諸坐功由神氣定住再垂簾塞兌回光觀玄之時此時劍之初動是萬物之母是以此劍不必格外再用 內功之氣劍之動作規矩法則無不是內家拳術之道與丹道學之理丹書云慧劍可以消身內之魔寳劍可以辟世上之邪。

"The grand polarity, as a sword posture, arises from nonpolarity and gives rise to the trigrams of Qian and Kun. Leftward circle walking corresponds to Qian. Rightward circle walking corresponds to Kun. The spinning of the sword is a continuous flow inside. To make an image of this principle: an empty circle. From an empty circle arises a divided circle. Within this divided circle, movement is generated by the extreme of stillness. People call it “truth”. Elixirists call it “innateness”. The authentic active aspect when it is continuous is the “sword of wisdom”. In Xingyi Boxing, it would be considered the innate shapelessness of the crossing technique. In Bagua Sword, it is called “grand polarity”. In this posture, at the beginning of the movement, although internally there is the theory of Qian and Kun, there is not yet such a shape externally, and so it is called the GRAND POLARITY POSTURE. It is like during seated meditation when mind enters void. This initial movement with the sword produces all that follows. Therefore with this posture it is not necessary to use another kind of internal energy. The standard for the sword movements is always the same as the ways of internal boxing arts and elixirism. The Elixir Book says: “The ‘wisdom sword’ can take away the body’s demons. The ‘precious sword’ can ward away the world’s evils."

起點先將腰塌勁頭往上頂住勁兩肩往下垂着勁舌頂上腭口似張非張似脗非脗鼻孔出氣呼吸要 自然不可着意兩足亦往上蹬勁諸處之勁皆是自然用意不要用拙力再將左手大拇指與二指中指伸直無名指與小指用力屈回稍節與中節根節直着與中指相倂五指屈伸用力 要均匀左手之式並非與他劍揑訣相同取其五指屈伸左手不必格外用力此式能助右手之劍屈伸往來變化之力亦並非一定不易之規矩有時亦可五指俱伸因劍之形式而定學 者不可膠執再將右足往裏扭直與左足成為四十五度之式兩手自中陰中陽皆與右足往裏扭時亦同時往外扭扭至兩手皆至太陰式停住兩胳膊仍靠着身子再將兩腿徐徐曲下 兩腿裏曲不可有死灣子如圖是也右手之劍亦與兩腿下曲時同時胳膊靠着右脇劍尖往着左足尖前平着伸去與左足尖前邊成一交會線手仍是太陰劍把劍尖與心口平左手亦 於劍動時手太陰着同時胳膊靠着左脇往右胳膊肘後下邊穿去手背挨着右胳膊左胳膊靠着心口兩眼望着劍尖看去將神氣定住頭頂兩肩下垂有往回縮之意皆是自然不可用 拙力方可得着中和之氣而注於丹田也。
"To begin, first get your waist to have an energy of sinking, your head to have an energy of pressing up, your shoulders to have an energy of hanging down. Your tongue touches your upper palate, your mouth is flat but not flat, pursed but not pursed. The breath is through your nose. The breathing should be natural and must not be concentrated upon. Your feet have an energy of pressing up. Everywhere the strength is natural, for you should use intention rather than awkward exertion. Then your left thumb, forefinger, and middle finger extend, while the ring finger and little finger forcefully bend inward from the middle knuckle, the section from root knuckle to middle knuckle lined up next to the middle finger. The fingers use the same degree of strength whether bending or extending. Your left hand’s posture is not really the same as the pinched swordsman’s hex of other sword sets. When your fingers bend and extend, your left hand does not need to use extra force. Its posture can assist the power of the sword’s bending and extending, coming and going, and transforming, rather than being a fixed and unchanging shape, for sometimes all five fingers can be extended, in accordance with the sword posture, and so you must not be obsessed with grasping. Then your right foot twists inward to point straight, making a forty-five degree angle with your left foot. As your right foot twists inward, your hands twist outward from their half passive positions until they are each in a full passive position, your arms still close to your body. Then your legs slowly bend downward, though it must not be a dead bend. It is like the photo. As your legs bend down, and with your right arm close to your right ribs, the sword extends with a flat blade in front of you and in line with your left toes, the hand still in its full passive position. The sword handle and sword tip are at solar plexus level. During the movement, your left hand, also still in its full passive position, is close to your left ribs and threads under and behind your right elbow, the back of the hand close to your right arm, the arm close to your solar plexus. Your gaze is toward the sword tip. Your spirit and energy stay stable. Your head presses up, but your shoulders drop down and have an intention of shrinking in. Everything should be natural and there must be no use of awkward exertion. Then you can have an energy of centered harmoniousness and concentrate it into your elixir field."

Translation by Paul Brennan of "Study of Bagua Sword" (八卦劍學) by Sūn Lùtáng (孫祿堂), to be found in the Brennan Translation blog.