Friday, April 29, 2016

The Fingers are separated, the Palms are concave; swing the Arms, the Shoulders are level. (指分掌凹,擺肱平肩) from The Real Theory of Baguazhang (八卦掌真理篇) by Jiāng Róngqiáo (薑容樵)



“Fingers are separated” means that the 5 fingers are apart, one muste not hold them together. “Palms are concave” means that the hollow of the palms are contained towards the inside, to draw the emptiness towards a concave form. “Swing the Arms” means that when walking the circle, both arms must at all cost be directed clearly towards the center of the circle; there should not be a forward pushing motion. “The shoulders are Level” means that in walking the circle, turning the body or changing the palms, one must maintain an upright, level, and relaxed posture; one must not have the appearance of one shoulder left behind."

From the book Bāguàzhăng Practice Method (八卦掌練習法), by Jiāng Róngqiáo (薑容樵), based on the translation by Joseph Crandall

Friday, April 22, 2016

Excerpt from Important Explanations for the Accomplishment of the Thirteen Postures (十三勢行功要解) by Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄)


"Circulate Qi as if threading through nine curved pearls, not even the tiniest won’t be reached. Apply power (Jin) as if it was steel refined a hundred times, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome."

By Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄), based on the translation by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles (太極拳武李氏先哲秘要) and various translations on the internet.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Excerpt from Report of Liú Qílán (劉奇蘭) Sayings (述劉奇蘭先生言) in Boxing Concepts Explained Authentically (拳意述真)



"In the method of the Xingyi boxing art, there is no distinction between form and function, except that what you practice on your own is the form and what you do to an opponent is the function.
During solo practice, your eyes cannot be wandering around. Either look to a distant point or toward your own hand. Firmly consolidate your spirit and energy, inside and outside merging into one and never shifting apart.
When acting upon an opponent, you should either watch his eyes above, his middle section, or his feet below. Do not get stuck in an established pattern or focus on using an established method. Whether using palm or fist, observe the reason for it. In lifting and dropping, advancing and retreating, adapt limitlessly. You are thereby using your intelligence and seeking victory based on the opponent. If you use an established method, then you can be defeated by the opponent or even just by bad luck. Knowing this, you must consolidate your spirit and energy, and not let them be in disarray. This is what it means to be invincible."

Excerpt from the translation by Paul Brennan, to be found in the Brennan Translation blog.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sacrifice the Plum Tree In Place of the Peach Tree (李代桃僵) from the Thirty-Six Stratagems (三十六計)Sacrificar a Ameixeira para Salvar o Pessegueiro (李代桃僵) dos Trinta e Seis Estratagemas (三十六計)


"There are circumstances in which you must sacrifice short-term objectives in order to gain the long-term goal. This is the scapegoat strategy whereby someone else suffers the consequences so that the rest do not. "

Quoted from Chinese Classics and Translations
"Existem circunstâncias onde é necessárion sacrificar objetivos de curto prazo para garantir o objetivo de longo prazo. Esta é a estrégia do bode expiatório onde alguém sofre consequências de maneira que o resto não sofra."

Traduzido à partir de Chinese Classics and Translations

Friday, April 8, 2016

Excerpt from Important Explanations for the Accomplishment of the Thirteen Postures (十三勢行功要解) by Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄)


"In order to emit power (Jin), one must be calm, collected and relaxed, concentrated in a single direction. The standing body must be centered, straight and serene, so you one handle the eight directions."

By Wǔ Yǔxiāng (武禹襄), based on the translation by Yang Jwing Ming (楊俊敏) presented in the book Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu & Li Styles (太極拳武李氏先哲秘要) and various translations on the internet.